David Johns

David and his wife, Becky, both grew up overseas in ministry. They both placed their faith in Jesus Christ at a young age. David graduated from Slippery Rock University (Slippery Rock, PA) with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health. He then went on to complete a one-year Bible certificate through Word of Life Bible Institute in Hungary. David and Becky met during their time at Word of Life, then later married in 2013. David graduated from Columbia Biblical Seminary of Columbia International University with a Master of Arts in Bible Exposition (Columbia, SC). David has been in pastoral ministry since 2017. His passion in ministry is connecting with people on a personal level and pointing them to Jesus through expository preaching and teaching of God’s Word.
Becky graduated from the Word of Life Bible Institute in Hungary with a two-year Bible certificate. Becky is our Church Secretary, helps lead our Worship Team and runs our VBS program. They have been blessed with three wonderful children, Ava Kate and Noah and Ezra.

Steve Chaney

Steve and his wife, Teri, have been attending GCBC since 1995. They enjoy investing in the lives of many people with one-on-one discipleship. Steve has served on Leadership for over 20 years and has been an Elder since 2023. Teri visits our shut-ins, heads up our Cubbies & Sparks in our Awana program, leads an online prayer group three times a week and is also the Church Custodian. They are both devoted to reaching the next generation with God's Word!

Ed Yotter

Ed and his wife, Peggy, have been attending GCBC for over 30 years and have served in countless ways during that time. Ed has served on Leadership as our Head Usher for many years before also taking on the role of Elder in 2023. Peggy is our Financial Secretary and organizes our annual Spring Ladies Luncheon. They both have generous, servants' hearts and hold fast to Truth!

Ron Collins

Ron and his wife, Marie, have been attending GCBC since 2000. Ron has served on Leadership for over 15 years. He is always ready to fix anything that breaks, keeps our facilities running and makes sure there's always hot coffee for Sunday School! He serves with overflowing joy from Christ. Marie is always quick to step in to provide delicious desserts for funeral meals and helps fill any physical needs in our church family.

Bryce Hoben

Bryce grew up at GCBC and Nicole began attending in 2000. Bryce has been on our Leadership Team for 10 years. Nicole serves in all of our our children's programs and enjoys helping anywhere she can. Both Bryce and Nicole were heavily involved in our recent church renovation and work great as a team to make sure our facilities are in nice condition. They are both passionate in their work for the Lord!

Casey Kaska

Casey and his wife, Terry, have been attending GCBC since 2019. Casey has been serving as a Deacon since 2022 and leads our IT Team. Recently, he went on his first mission trip to Word of Life Philippines. They both serve in our Awana and VBS programs. Terry is also one of our Children's Church teachers. Both are sacrificial and enthusiastic in all they do!

Drew Yotter

Drew is a long time attender of GCBC and joined our Leadership Team as a Deacon in 2022. Drew serves as an Usher and Greeter on Sunday mornings, as well as working behind the scenes to keep our facilities running. He is always ready to jump in and help with our many kids' events and quietly fills any need that may arise.